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Research on the Efficiency of Marker-assisted Selection in Pig Breeding System

作  者: ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 华南农业大学动物科学学院

出  处: 《中国畜牧兽医》 2009年第8期67-72,共6页

摘  要: 本研究针对猪育种中重点考虑的窝产活仔猪数(NBA)、达100 kg体重日增重(ADG)、饲料利用率(FCR)、达100 kg体重的背膘厚(BF)、肌内脂肪含量(IMF)5个性状,利用连锁平衡(linkage equilibrium,LE)、连锁不平衡(linkage disequilibri-um,LD)标记和直接标记(direct marker,DR)3种类型的分子遗传标记,设计了3个规模不同的基础群,母猪数分别为100、200、300头,公猪数都为10头,基础群个体间无亲缘关系,育种群实施闭锁繁育。用Monte Carlo方法模拟了MAS的5个世代选择试验。育种值估计采用标准BLUP(Standard BLUP,SBLUP)模型(此育种值作为对照)、QBLUP模型(使用DR标记)、MBLUP模型(使用LD和LE标记)。结果表明,利用DR标记在各种情况下都比利用LD和LE标记获得的选择效率高;5个性状中,MAS对低遗传力、限性性状NBA的选择效率最高;当性状的QTL方差占遗传方差基本相同时,中等遗传力性状FCR的选择效率比高遗传力性状BF的更高;当性状的遗传力差异不大时,QTL方差占遗传方差比例大的性状FCR的选择效率比QTL方差占遗传方差比例小的性状ADG的更高。当利用QBLUP模型时,MAS对NBA的选择效率最高,ADG的选择效率最低。 The found of the genetic markers tightly linked to the Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) and some major genes for economic traits in husbandry animals has led to more and more research focusing on MAS (marker-assisted selection) and (;AS ( gene-assisted selection). According to the distance between the genetic marker and the QTL, the genetic marker was divided into three types: LE (linkage equilibrium) marker, LD (linkage disequilibrium) marker and DR marker (direct marker, the QTL). To study the selection efficiency for 5 traits selected in the swine breeding plan by LE, LD and DR marker in MAS and GAS in 5 discrete generations, respectively, 3 closed nucleus base populations were designed: 100, 200, 300 sows, and 10 boars each population, where the pigs were unrelated. The 5 traits were NBA (number born-alive), FCR (feed conversion ratio), ADG (average daily-gain), BF (Back-fat), IMF (Intramuscular fat). The model to estimate the breeding value of the 5 traits were SBLUP (standard BLUP) model(no marker used), MBLUP model (LD and LE markers used), by QBI.UP(DR marker used). The selection efficiency by MAS and GAS was compared for 5 traits using MAS and GAS in 3 populations.

关 键 词: 标记辅助选择 选择效率

领  域: [农业科学] [农业科学]




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