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Outer Space Information and Geographic Information Systems and Their Application

作  者: ;

机构地区: 北京大学地球与空间科学学院遥感与地理信息系统研究所

出  处: 《北京大学学报(自然科学版)》 1998年第4期533-541,共9页

摘  要: 21世纪人类面临着全球可持续发展(SD)战略的信息社会(SI)。航天/外层空间(OuterSpace)科技的发展和计算机科技的发展为可持续发展战略的信息社会提供了有力的监控工具。人们通过卫星可获取遥感(RS)信息,属性(DCS)信息、定位(PSS)信息;通过通讯卫星系统(SCS)也可以传输信息即遥信(RI)。与航天(外层空间)相对应的地面,必需要有发射和接收信息的系统。无论在卫星上还是在地面上信息的输入、输出;信息的存取;信息的处理;信息的加工等等无一不是用计算机来进行的。地面上成熟的信息处理与加工技术可以搬到卫星上去。而所谓可持续发展的信息社会的监控系统无非是庞大的、超巨型的、非线性的、开放式的、多类别的、多层次的、多元的、高维的、动态的、复杂的信息网络系统。即天(外层空间—航天)地(地球表面环境)人(人类社会及人类智能)信息一体化的计算机网络系统。 In 21st century,humankind is facing the information society (IS) and sustainable development(SD).It means that we are in a “Coordination Development System of Man and Earth” society which is an open,complex,nonlinear,dynamics and super system.This paper discusses outer space information and geographic information network system and their application to the sustainable development information society.There are three parts in it which are as follows: (1) Outer space and geographic information network systems.The outer space information is including Remote Sensing Systems(RSS),Data Collected Systems(DCS),Position Satellites Systems(PSS),and Satellites Communication Systems(SCS).The grographic information is including Geographical Information System(GIS),Geographical Expert System(GES),Management Information System(MIS),and Decision Support System(DSS).The network system is as shown in figure 1.There are 4 levels which are technicians,experts,managers and decision makers levels in the network system. (2) Information society of sustainable development strategy.The population is growing up more and more in the world,nowadays it is more than 5.84 billions(1997).But the earth could not be increased.There is about 0.148 billions sq km land on the earth surface.It is about 40 persons/sq.km on average.On the earth surface the land,resources and environment are all limited quantity.Human is facing non sustainable development.The Man and the Earth System(MES) is an interweaving system of humansphere(society) and an earthsphere(nature) subsystems.Both subsystems have input and output to and from each other.There are 5 limited conditions to the input and output for both humansphere and earthsphere.See formulae (2)~(6)。Author has advanced the Coordination Development System of Man and Earth.Using outer space information and geographic information network systems could be monitoring and controlling the Man and Earth System. (3) Information models for coordination development system of man and earth.There are many kinds of

关 键 词: 航天信息 地理信息 信息网络系统 计算机网络

领  域: [文化科学] [自动化与计算机技术] [自动化与计算机技术]


作者 陈如好
作者 黄培波
作者 钟菊芳
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机构 华南理工大学
机构 华南师范大学图书馆
机构 暨南大学
机构 深圳大学图书馆
机构 中山大学


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