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Runoff Simulation in Fuhe Basin Based on SWAT-X Model

作  者: ; ; (王忠忠); (肖军仓);

机构地区: 广东省地质调查院广东广州510080

出  处: 《地理与地理信息科学》 2009年第4期95-99,共5页

摘  要: 建立抚河流域的SWAT-X模型,利用其敏感性分析模块分析参数灵敏度,得出4个敏感参数CN2、Gwqmn、rchrg_dp、ESCO;采用沙子岭、南城、廖家湾、娄家村4个水文站1998—2005年月数据进行水文参数率定并评价模型的适应性,结果表明径流模拟值均达到拟合精度(相对误差、相关系数、效率系数),SWAT-X模型适宜于抚河流域的径流量模拟。 Water yield and quality's variation of Fuhe River, which is the second-largest tributary of Poyang Lake, play a very important role in water resource protection of Poyang Lake. SWAT-X model,as a new version of SWAT(Soil and Water Assessment Tool),was applied to Fuhe Basin for the runoff simulation. Four main sensitivity parameters (CN2, Gwqmn, rchrg_dp, ESCO) were obtained from sensitivity'analysis module after SWAT-X model was set up.Based on the runoff monthly,which measured at Shaziling, Nancheng, Liaojiawan, Loujiacun hydrological station from 1998 to 2005, the calibration and validation of the model were carried out. The results showed SWAT-X could be used well in runoff simulation in Fuhe Basin because Re(relative error) ,R2(correlation coefficient) and Ens efficiency coefficient of the model were in the range of simulation accuracy standard.

关 键 词: 鄱阳湖 模型 抚河流域 径流模拟 敏感性分析

领  域: [天文地球] [水利工程] [天文地球]


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