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Concept,Characteristics and Advances of Geographic Knowledge Visualization

作  者: ; ;

机构地区: 中国科学院遥感应用研究所遥感科学国家重点实验室

出  处: 《地理与地理信息科学》 2009年第4期1-7,共7页

摘  要: 地学知识可视化是将知识可视化研究的理论、技术、方法引入地学研究领域,形成一个新的研究方向。通过分析地学知识可视化国内外研究现状,在总结其研究特点的基础上,对地学知识可视化的定义进行阐述,讨论其概念特征、理论基础以及表达方法,并对其应用研究现状与发展趋势进行概括总结。 As a new field of visualization, knowledge visualization is to use maps, graphics or images to construct and transfer insights and knowledge between at least two persons. In view of geovisualization, geographic diagram, geoinformatie Tupu, and visual analytics are cutting edge researches on visual and graphic representation and discovery of geographic knowledge. Thus, this paper focuses on the discussion of geographic knowledge visualization in terms of general knowledge visualization and geo- graphic diagram. In the paper,the concept and characteristics of geographic knowledge visualization are mainly explored accord- ing to the dual coding theory of representation of mental images and spatial thinking in mental images. Based on the theoretical foundation mentioned above, five formats of geographic knowledge visualization are introduced. Besides geographic knowledge map, they are concept maps, mind maps, cognitive maps, semantic networks and thinking maps. In the end, the practical application of geographic knowledge visualization and its development trend in the fields of geographic knowledge maps' construction, geographic collaborative work, design and implementation of visualization model and related algorithms,and so forth are summarized.

关 键 词: 知识可视化 地学可视化 地学图解 地学图谱 地理知识 地理信息

领  域: [天文地球] [天文地球]


作者 邹爱球
作者 牛莉
作者 蔡佳
作者 钟菊芳
作者 熊爱武


机构 华南师范大学教育信息技术学院
机构 华南理工大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 中山大学管理学院


作者 徐锦堂
作者 张祖荣
作者 曲进
作者 黄霓
作者 林平凡