机构地区: 中山大学化学与化学工程学院材料科学研究所
出 处: 《水处理技术》 1998年第3期152-156,共5页
摘 要: 针对氧化还原功能纤维回收贵金属过程为扩散、传质控制的事实,提出用传质传热速率高的流态化技术强化该过程。初步考察了流态化强化功能纤维回收贵金属的过程机制,阐述了功能纤维流态化过程系统的特点。在此基础上,研究分析了该过程系统的传质和传热行为,并建立了相关的数学模型,为该过程实际应用提供依据。 In accordance with the fact that the recovery process of noble metals by redox fibers(RF) is controlled by mass-transfer, a concept of the fliudizing enhancement for the recovery of noble metals is proposed. The influences of the mass and heat transfer on metal deposition in RF in a fluidized bed are discussed, the mass and heat transfer models are established.It is helpful to deepening our understanding of the interaction between the metal deposition and transport phenomena, and capable of providing a basis for the design and scale-up of this process.
关 键 词: 流态化 氧化还原 功能纤维 传质 传热 贵金属
领 域: [化学工程]