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Study on purchasing decision-making model of interruptible load in real-time reserve market

作  者: ; ; ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学电力学院

出  处: 《电力需求侧管理》 2009年第4期20-24,共5页

摘  要: 可中断负荷参与系统备用,相当于增加了发电侧备用容量,能够缓解紧急情况下备用容量的短缺,提高了电力系统运行可靠性。根据备用市场不同的运行备用水平和用户的报价情况,基于最优潮流建立了可中断负荷参与备用市场的最优购买决策模型,该模型中考虑了市场构架、用户投标模型、可中断负荷的电气位置等各种因素,电网公司可以利用该模型实现对可中断负荷市场投标者的实时选择。利用IEEE-9母线系统仿真分析验证了该模型的有效性和算法的合理性。 The interruptible load (IL, for short) which participates in the reserve market is equal to increasing reserve ca- pacity of generation side, can ease the reserve shortage during emergency and improve operation reliability of the power system. In this paper some research work is done to set up purehasing decision-making model of IL according to different operating reserve level and bidding behaviors of IL market participants in real-time reserve market, which is based on the OPF including the main aspects to be considered, such as, the market structure, bidding model of IL market participants, electrical position. The grid company (or ISO) may use this model to choose scheme of IL bidding. The IEEE-9 Bus system, modified to prove the validity of model and rationality of 'algorithm, has been used for the study.

关 键 词: 可中断负荷 最优潮流 实时市场 备用市场

领  域: [经济管理]


作者 陈永昌
作者 邱文锋


机构 华南理工大学


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作者 张为
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作者 张丽娟