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Plain Beauty and Clear Sound:on the Ci-poetry of Ouyang Jiong

作  者: ;

机构地区: 香港中文大学

出  处: 《江西师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2009年第2期80-84,共5页

摘  要: 欧阳炯是唐五代著名词人,他的《花间集序》是第一篇论词专著。欧阳炯摆脱俗曲,提出雅化词体的主张,又认为词应重视性情,减少传统诗教理论的束缚。他的词学思想具有划时代的意义,唤醒了个人的心灵律动,享受生命,《花间集》也开拓了新一代的歌词体制。欧阳炯存词四十七阕,擅长描写各种悲欢离合的场景,特别是盛大欢乐的场面及城市的繁华景象,能够从不同的角度开拓主题,表现出丰富的题材。其词亦呈现多样的风格,他吸收了温庭筠词的浓艳,韦庄词的明艳,从而发展出个人特有的质艳风格,足以突破温、韦的樊篱,显出写实的力度。此外欧阳炯词又多写南国风光,充满清新的气息,洋溢着一片山水清音,别开生面。 Ouyang Jiong, who wrote the preface to Among the Flowers, the first essay of Chinese Ci - poetry criticism, is himself a famous Ci - poet of the Five Dynasties. Ouyang advocated a style of elegance and refinement when his contemporaries wrote in a rather mundane manner. Moreover, he emphasized the importance of personal feelings rather than the didactic functions in Ci - poetry. His remarks on Ci - poetry and the volume Among the Flowers are epoch - making in the history of Chinese literature. The Ci - poetry of Ouyang, now 47 pieces in existence, aptly depict the various situations of life, especially those concerning the sights and sounds of certain grand occasions and of the prosperity of cities. On the basis of the gorgeous style of Wen Ting - yun and Wei Zhuang, Ouyang developed to manifest a gorgeous world of his own, which is beautiful, universal and plain; it is additionally filled with love and hate with a realistic touch. He also wrote about the landscape of the southern country, permeating freshness and the clear sound of the mountains and waters.

关 键 词: 欧阳炯 花间集 艳词 质艳 诗教

领  域: [文学] [电子电信] [电子电信]


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机构 华南师范大学
机构 中山大学人文科学学院中文系
机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南师范大学人文学院


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