机构地区: 同济大学环境科学与工程学院污染控制与资源化研究国家重点实验室
出 处: 《农业环境科学学报》 2009年第7期1529-1534,共6页
摘 要: 鉴于多种技术被用于控制崇明东滩互花米草的蔓延,为了选择更好的互花米草控制技术,首先比较不同控制技术作用下湿地土壤总有机碳(SOC)含量的差异,并对土壤中的微生物活性进行研究以分析土壤中总有机碳的输出能力,进而分析土壤总有机碳的保留能力。结果表明,经过刈割/翻耕、刈割/翻耕/水位调节、刈割/生物(芦苇)替代等控制措施后,湿地土壤中土壤总有机碳含量、可培养微生物菌落数、土壤转化酶活性和土壤呼吸强度均高于对照,而通过DGGE技术对微生物种群进行分析后发现,修复后的湿地土壤多样性显著低于对照。在几种不同的控制技术中,刈割/翻耕/水位调节模式由于增加了土壤的滞水时间,其土壤微生物活性相对较低,有机碳含量较高,表明采用该修复技术后土壤的碳代谢能力相对较弱,因此该修复技术更有利于湿地土壤有机碳的保留。相对其他控制技术而言,刈割/翻耕/水位调节模式可在控制互花米草蔓延的同时有效地保留土壤有机碳。 Various technologies were employed to control the spread of Spartina alterniflora in Dongtan of Chongming Island. Although these technologies were found to be able to control spread of Spartina alterniflora, the effect on the soil organic carbon( SOC ) retaining and microbial activity of wetland soil, which related to the capability of climatic regulation of wetland, had not been studied in detail. In order to select an suitable technology either from the view of Spartina alterniflora control effect or from the capability of climatic regulation of wetland soil, the capability of organic carbon retaining and microbial activities of wetland soil after treatment with different technologies for one year were assessed by analyzing the differences of SOC content and microbial biomass, soil enzyme and soil respiration. Results showed that total SOC content and soil respiration were significant different(P〈0.05 ) in the soil with various control technologies, including cutting/digging tillage, cutting/digging tillage/water level control, cutting/biological substitute (with Phragmites communis ). Generally, total SOC content of the soil with various controlling technologies increased due to the increase of the plant biomass input, comparing to the control, while microbial activity( including microbial biomass, invertase activities and respiration ) also increased and microbial biodiversity index decreased. The results indicated that artificial measure for controlling Spartina alterniflora would always improve microbial activity of soil, resulting in the increase of organic carbon output. Among these technologies, the microbial activity in soil with cutting/digging tillage/water level control was the lowest due to the extension of stagnant water time, thus the organic carbon content was the highest(21.42 g· kg^-1). This implied that this controlling mode could restrain the organic carbon degradation and profit its sequestration relatively. So compared to other controlling modes, cutting/digging tilla
关 键 词: 崇明东滩 互花米草 物理控制 碳保留 土壤总有机碳 微生物活性 土壤呼吸
领 域: [环境科学与工程]