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The Investigations of OLED's Application on Lighting

作  者: ; ;

机构地区: 复旦大学信息科学与工程学院电光源研究所

出  处: 《照明工程学报》 2009年第2期35-40,共6页

摘  要: 由于OLED工艺成本较低、色彩可调范围大,轻薄等特点,近年来在显示领域发展很快。随着OLED光效的提高,以及白光OLED工艺的发展,OLED出现了应用于照明的趋势。本文基于目前白光OLED的光效、功率等,尝试从软件模拟制作了OLED照明器件,并进行了照明设计。通过与荧光灯的理论分析对比,探讨了OLED应用于一般照明的优势和不足。结果表明白光OLED应用于照明领域的前景看好,但其效率以及寿命仍迫需进一步提高。 In recent years, OLED technology has been rapidly developed because of its lower cost, broad adjustable color range and lightness. With the improvement of the luminous efficacy and white light technology, OLEDs gradually find their application in the field of lighting. Based on current white OLED ' s efficiency, power, etc, the "author simulates the OLED light source by virtue of software. Through theoretical analysis and the comparison with fluorescent lamps, the author discuss the advantages and disadvantages of OLED ' s application in the general lighting. Results show that white OLED has the opportunity to be used for general lighting, while its efficiency and lifetime need further improvements.

关 键 词: 照明 面光源 照明设计

领  域: [电气工程] [电子电信]


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