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AFM image reconstruction based on accurate tip model

作  者: ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 中国科学院沈阳自动化研究所

出  处: 《仪器仪表学报》 2009年第6期1117-1122,共6页

摘  要: 原子力显微镜技术已在纳米成像中得到了普遍应用。但实验表明,AFM图像在水平方向分辨率较低,其中探针针尖形貌是影响扫描图像分辨率的关键因素之一。为了提高AFM扫描图像的分辨率,改善成像质量,一种可行的方法是通过建立探针模型后,重构扫描图像。在已有的探针建模方法中,普遍采用盲建模算法。针对目前盲建模算法中降噪阈值难以优化问题,提出了一种降噪阈值最优估计新方法。该方法可以使盲建模算法更准确地建立扫描方向上的探针形貌轮廓,进而完成3D探针模型。通过应用AFM探针扫描多空铝和标准栅格实验,介绍了探针针尖形貌精确建模的方法。然后使用数学形态学的腐蚀运算对标准栅格的AFM成像进行了重构,验证了上述方法的有效性。实验结果证明,重构后的图像中降低了探针针尖形貌的失真影响,可以显著改善扫描探针显微镜成像的水平分辨率。 Atom force microscopy has been generally applied in obtaining nano-scale images. The shape and size of the tip are the key factors affecting the precision of the scanning image. In order to get high precision image, the tip shape is required to be estimated and used to reconstruct the scanning image. Recently several algorithms have been put forward, and the blind tip estimation algorithm among them is widely used. This algorithm has difficulties in esti- mating the optimal noise threshold to reduce the noise effects in the specimen image. A new method for determining the optimal noise threshold in the algorithm is proposed. The estimated tip is used to scan the TGZ01 and then reconstruct the scanning image. Experimental result demonstrates that the tip broad effect is decreased in the reconstructed image, which improves the scanning precision.

关 键 词: 探针模型 盲建模算法 图像重构

领  域: [理学] [电子电信]




作者 刘广平
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