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作  者: ; (王敏); (刘海龙);

机构地区: 北京市自来水集团水质监测中心北京100085

出  处: 《城镇供水》 2009年第4期33-36,共4页

摘  要: 消毒副产物是饮用水安全保障技术面临的重大课题,消毒副产物前驱物的去除方法有很多种,预臭氧化就是其中的一种,但是预臭氧化对后续的混凝的影响目前尚没有统一的结论。本文采用化学极性树脂分级技术为试验手段,研完了预臭氧化对混凝去除天然有机物效果的影响,对水中有机物的各成分分布进行了表征,对预臭氧化影响混凝的机理进行初步的探讨。通过树脂分级试验发现,预臭氧化使得原水中憎水中性有机物显著增加。不经预臭氧化的原水经过混凝后DOC的含量都有所下降,DOC的去除率从高到低的顺序依次为:憎水中性有机物、憎水碱性有机物、憎水酸性有机物、弱憎水酸性有机物和亲水性有机物。臭氧投加量为1.1mg/L时,憎水中性有机物的去除率大幅度提高,去除率为95%左右;臭氧投加量为4.4mg/L时,憎水酸性有机物、弱憎水酸性有机物及其它亲水性有机物的去除率都有不同程度的提高,强憎水性有机物的去除率变化不大。 Disinfection By-Products (DBPs) have become a great challenge to the safety of drinking water, among various methods to remove precursor of DBPs, Enhanced Coagulation was considered the best available technology, pre-ozonation also employed to control the DBPs. But the effects of pre-ozonation on enhanced coagulation have been not yet drawn a uniform conclusion. In this paper PDA (Photometric Dispersion Analyzer), apparent molecular weight distribution and fractionation of organic matters technique were adopted to study the Effects of Pre-ozonation on Enhanced Coagulation systematically. The mechanism ofpre-ozonation on coagulation was also primarily explored. The study results show pre-ozonation has a notable influence on coagulation of polyaluminum chloride (PAC1) with various B (OH/Al ratio). The removal of turbidity and the formation offlocs related to the Alb of PAC1. The more AIb quantity, the more turbidity removed. But the removal of dissolved organic matter (DOC) by coagulation with different dosage of ozone has no great change. On the contrary, the increase of ozone dosage hinders the removal of turbidity and the formation of floes. Apparent molecular weight distribution experiment results show pre-ozonation transfer large molecular weight organic matters to small molecular weight organic matters, the organic matters with molecular weight ranged from 1 to 10k Dalton increased significantly. The pre-ozonation with ozone dosage 1.1mg/L promoted the removal of large molecular weight organic matter by coagulation, when the ozone dosage increased to 4.4 mg/L, the pre-ozonation hinder the removal of organic matter with molecular weight ranged from 10 to 30k Dalton. Judged from the results of fracfionation, great influence was made by ozone, which increased fraction of more hydrophobic neutral organic matters. The sequence of removal efficiency of DOC from high to low by coagulation without pre-ozonation was hydrophobic neutral fraction, hydrophobic base fraction, hydrophobic acid fractio

关 键 词: 混凝 预臭氧化 有机物分级

领  域: [建筑科学] [建筑科学]




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