机构地区: 同济大学土木工程学院桥梁工程系
出 处: 《震灾防御技术》 2009年第2期167-173,共7页
摘 要: 20世纪60年代以来,国内外发生了多次强震,如日本神户地震、日本新泻地震、台湾集集地震、美国洛马普列塔地震等。在这些地震中大量的桥梁桩基遭到破坏,破坏形式复杂多样,如土体液化引起的桩基下沉、桩帽与承台的连接失效、桩基随土体侧移引起落梁等。本文总结概括了这些震害特点,详细讨论了非液化场地和液化场地上桥梁桩基的破坏模式,分析总结了桥梁桩基破坏机制。最后,结合桥梁工程结构特点,针对桥梁工程选址以及桩基抗震构造措施等方面简要提出了建设性建议。 Many strong earthquakes, such as Kobe earthquake, Niigata earthquake, Chi-Chi earthquake and Loma prieta earthquake etc., have occurred around the world since 1960's, which caused great damages of bridges with pile foundation. The failure modes were various and complex, such as pile settlement, connection failure between pile top and cap, girder falling etc., This paper gives a briefly summary on the seismic damage of bridge pile foundations and discusses the typical damage patterns and causes of pile foundation failure with no liquefaction-induced and liquefaction-induced. Finally, some commentaries about site selection and construction measures are given in this paper.