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Identification of QTL for Grain Shape Traits and Grain Weight by AB-QTL in Common Wild Rice from Gaozhou in Guangdong Province

作  者: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 新疆农业大学农学院

出  处: 《植物遗传资源学报》 2009年第2期175-181,共7页

摘  要: 以广东高州野生稻为供体亲本,在栽培稻粤香占的遗传背景下构建了一套高代回交BC3F1群体,共计245个株系。选择117对在双亲间有多态性的SSR引物,对BC3F1株系进行了基因型分析。利用AB-QTL分析法对谷粒外观性状和粒重进行QTL分析,结果表明粒长、粒宽、粒长宽比以及粒重4个性状共检测到23个QTL,分布于水稻第1、2、3、4、5、6、8和ll染色体上,单个QTL的贡献率范围为3.77%-28.67%。其中有6个QTL的贡献率超过20%,分别是控制粒宽的qGW-11-1,控制长宽比的qLWR-2和qLWR-11,控制粒重的qGWt-5-1、qGWt-5-2和qGWt-11-1。与现有的以普通野生稻为供体的相关研究比较,本研究所定位的基因数目较多,表明高州野生稻亟需研究利用。 An advanced backcross BC3Fl population was developed from an inter-specific cross between O. sativa and O. rufipogon. Yuexiangzhan( O. sativa ssp. indica),an elite cultivar was used as the female and also served as the recurrent parent. A total of 117 polymorphic SSR markers were chosen for genotyping the 245 lines, QTL location and effect estimated were analyzed by AB-QTL. A total of 23 QTL were identified for grain length (GL), grain width (GW), length-width ratio (LWR) and grain weight (GWt), which located on chromosomes 1, 2,3,4,5,6,8 and 11. phenotypic variation of each QTL ranged from 3.77%-28.67%. There were 6 QTL explai- ning more than 20% of total phenotypic variations, which were qGW-11-1 controlling GW,qLWR-2 and qLWR-11 controlling LWR, and qGWt-5-1 ,qGWt-5-2 and qGWt-11-1 controlling GWt. Compared with previous studies about inter-specific using O. rufipogon,the larger number of QTL has been detected in our study. The study confirms that wild rice in Gaozhou city is an efficient source of gene pool and should be further utilized in rice breeding.

关 键 词: 普通野生稻 粒形 粒重 基因定位

领  域: [农业科学] [农业科学] [农业科学]




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