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Study on beverage of Cordyceps militaris with honey jujube

作  者: ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 大连民族学院生命科学学院

出  处: 《食品工业科技》 2009年第6期204-206,共3页

摘  要: 利用蛹虫草具有调整中枢神经功能、延长睡眠、抗疲劳的作用,以蛹虫草子实体为主要原料,以山楂、枣、蜂蜜调味,研制出虫草蜜汁保健饮料。通过HPLC检测饮料中虫草素的含量,结合饮料的感官评定结果,确定最佳工艺条件为:在70℃对蛹虫草浸提1h;枣、山楂煮沸50min;蛹虫草:枣:山楂质量配比为1:20:17。该饮料色泽美观、口感宜人,具有保健功能,适合各类人群,价格适中,并且具有活性成分—虫草素。 Beverage of Cordyceps militaris with honey jujube,which had the functions of regulating nerve center, extended sleep,anti-fatigue, was composed of Cordyceps militaris and seasoned with hawthorn, Chinese date and honey.Detecting the concentration of cordycepin by HPLC and judging the drink sense,the optimal technology conditions were that cordycepin in Cordyceps mi//taris was extracted in water at 1 h and 70℃,jujube and hawthorn boiled for 50min, Cordyceps militaris:jujube:hawthorn was 1:20: 17. So as to come up with a high content of Cordyceps militaris with beautiful color,texture,pleasant, and a variety of health functions,suitable for all types of people drinking,and affordable a health drink.

关 键 词: 蛹虫草 山楂 蜂蜜 虫草素

领  域: [轻工技术与工程] [轻工技术与工程]


作者 梁雅茜


机构 香港中文大学


作者 徐焰
作者 邹开敏
作者 李景睿
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作者 莫岳云