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Zhu Jiangcun and"Upsurge of Mengchuang"in Ci's History in the 20^(th) Century

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广州大学人文学院中文系

出  处: 《学术月刊》 2009年第6期107-115,共9页

摘  要: 在20世纪词学史上,针对南宋词人吴梦窗的作品,曾经出现过两种截然不同的态度和评价。一种以朱疆村及其追随者为代表,夸大他的所有优点,遮蔽他的所有缺点,极力标举乃至神化梦窗,掀起了一股持续半个世纪的"梦窗热",导致了"近世学梦窗者几半天下"的局面,严重影响了词的创作和读者的审美认知;一种则以王国维及其追随者为代表,认为"近年的词人多中梦窗之毒",为纠正词坛上的雕琢、晦涩之失,又走向另一个极端,全盘否定梦窗,遮蔽他的所有优点,夸大他的所有缺点,也在一定程度上影响了读者的审美认知。对于前辈学者的这种非此即彼的思维模式和极端化的取舍态度,今天的词学界应该引起必要的注意和反思,并从中汲取某些经验教训。 It has two entirely different manner and appraisal on Wu Mengchuang, a poet in the Southern Song Dynasty, in the history of Ci in the 20th century. One kind taking Zhu Jiangcun and his follower as representative, exaggerated his all merits, camouflaged his all shortcomings, even deified him and raised "upsurge of Meng Chu" that continue for the half century and caused the aspect of "study Mengchuang's Ci" and affected writer and reader's esthetic cognition. The other kind taking Wang Jingan and his follower as representative, camouflaged his all merits, exaggerated his all shortcomings, and also affected reader's esthetic cognition. Regarding the senior scholar's thought pattern and choice manner, today we should pay essential attention and carry on reconsidering and derive experience and lesson from them.

关 键 词: 朱疆村 吴梦窗 世纪 词史 词学史

领  域: [文学] [文学]


作者 曾大兴
作者 余意
作者 吴海丰


机构 中文系
机构 江门职业技术学院教育与教育技术系
机构 华南师范大学
机构 华南师范大学文学院
机构 广州大学人文学院


作者 张坤
作者 徐丽华
作者 曹金蓉
作者 李娟
作者 李晓青