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Optimum Interpolation Technique for Soil Texture Conversion

作  者: ; ; ; (张强);

机构地区: 中山大学地理科学与规划学院水资源与环境系

出  处: 《灌溉排水学报》 2009年第3期50-52,57,共4页

摘  要: 采用分段三次Hermite插值方法、三次样条插值方法和分段线性插值方法进行土壤质地数学转换计算,通过比较分析得出:①插值函数因为各自所需满足的特定条件不同而具有不同的特性。如果插值函数特性与土壤级配累积曲线特性相符,误差较小;若插值函数特性与土壤级配累积曲线特性不相符,误差较大,易出现不合理现象。②在3种插值方法中,分段三次Hermite插值方法的误差最小,而且其特性与土壤级配累积曲线特性符合程度最高,所以分段三次Hermite插值方法最适合用于土壤质地转换插值计算。 Converted texture of soils by three kinds of interpolation technique including linear interpolation, cubic spline interpolation, piecewise cubic Hermite interpolation, we analyzed these results and found that: (1)Every interpolation function have it's own characteristic because of it's special condition. If the characteristic of interpolation function accord with the characteristic of soil grading curve, the error is small. If the characteristic of interpolation function doesn't accord with the characteristic of soil grading curve, the error is big and illogical phenomenon happen incidentally. (2)Among these three kinds of inter- polation technique the error caused by piecewise cubic Hermite interpolation is smallest, and it's characteristic accord with the characteristic of soil grading curve most closely, so piecewise cubic Hermite interpolation is the optimum interpolation technique for soil texture conversion.

关 键 词: 质地转换 插值方法 特性

领  域: [农业科学] [农业科学] [理学] [理学]



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