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Effect and mechanism of carbon sources on phosphorus uptake by microorganisms in sequencing batch reactor with single-stage oxic process

作  者: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 湖南大学环境科学与工程学院

出  处: 《中国科学(B辑)》 2009年第6期560-568,共9页

摘  要: 以两种典型基质:葡萄糖(R1)和乙酸钠(R2)作为单一碳源,考察了SBR单级好氧工艺在R1和R2中的除磷效果,并通过比较各自微生物体内储能物质的变化,探讨了SBR单级好氧工艺以不同基质作为碳源时影响其微生物摄磷能力的根本原因.结果表明:R1和R2中均观察到明显的超量摄磷现象,但在运行条件完全相同的情况下,两系统中微生物摄磷能力以及体内储能物质有很大的差别.稳定运行后,R1和R2中单位混合液挥发性悬浮固体(MLVSS)的总磷(TP)去除量分别为6.7~7.4、2.7~3.2mg·g-1.R1中微生物体内储能物质多β羟基烷酸盐(PHA)含量没有明显的变化,另一储能物质糖原质在好氧段外碳源(葡萄糖)存在时有明显的积累现象(糖原质的最大积累量为3.21mmol-C·g-1),在好氧段外碳源消耗完后呈下降趋势,并在好氧结束时下降到好氧前水平;R2中PHA与糖原质在好氧段外碳源(乙酸钠)存在时均有明显的积累现象(外碳源消耗完时PHA与糖原质积累量分别为2.1,0.55mmol-C·g-1),PHA在好氧段外碳源消耗完后呈下降趋势,并在好氧结束时也几乎下降到好氧前水平,而糖原质却在外碳源消耗完后继续积累,并在好氧2h左右时达到最大值(糖原质最大积累量为0.88mmol-C·g-1),此后下降明显,在好氧结束时也几乎恢复到原始水平.在整个好氧过程中,R1中内碳源(PHA与糖原质)的积累/转化量大于R2系统.在闲置期内,R1与R2中PHA与糖原质均没有明显变化,但却观察到明显的释磷现象,且R1释磷量多于R2系统.此研究显示,由于R1与R2中进水碳源不同,在其反应系统内碳源的好氧代谢途径有所差别,使各自微生物在好氧段体内储能物质的类型与积累/转化量也有所不同,各自微生物在好氧摄磷时得到的可利用的能量也不同,因而各自微生物的摄磷能力亦有所差别. To investigate the central reason for phosphorus uptake by microorganisms affected by substrates in sequecing batch reactor with single-stage oxic process, two typical substrates of glucose and acetate were, respectively, fed to R1 and R2 as the sole carbon source, and the performances of phosphorus removal and the changes of intracellar storages were compared. The experimental results showed that the phenomenon of excess phosphorus uptake was observed in two reactors, but bacteria' capability of phosphorus uptake and its intracellar storages were obviously different under same operational condition. After steady-state operation, total phosphorus (TP) removed per MLVSS in R1 and R2 were 6.7-7.4 and 2.7-3.2 mg·g^-1, respectively. The energy storage of poly-β-hydroxyalkanoates (PHA) was constant nearly in R1 during the whole period, another aerobic storage of glycogen was accumulated (the max accumulation of glycogen was 3.21 mmol-C·g^-1) when external substrate was consumed, and then was decreased to the initial level. However in R2, PHA and glycegen were both accumulated (2.1 and 0.55 mmol-C·g^-1, respectively) when external substrate was consumed, but they showed different changes after the period of external consumption. Compared to rapid decrease of PHA to the initial level, glycogen was continued accumulating to the peak (0.88 mmol-C·g^-1) at 2 h of aeration before decreasing. During the aeration, the accumulations/transformations of internal carbon sources in R 1 were higher than that in R2. In addition, obvious TP releases were both observed in R1 and R2 other than PHA and glycogen during the long-term idle period, moreover, the release content of phosphorus in R1 was also higher than that in R2. The researches indicated that different aerobic metabolism of substrate occured in R1 and R2 due to the different carbon source in influent, resulting in the different types and contents of aerobic storages accumulated/translated in bacteria of R1 and R2. As a result, ATP content provided

关 键 词: 生物除磷多 羟基烷酸盐 糖原质 单级好氧工艺

领  域: [环境科学与工程] [环境科学与工程]


作者 邓前军
作者 谢奎
作者 李萌萌


机构 中山大学
机构 华南师范大学图书馆
机构 广东技术师范学院
机构 佛山科学技术学院
机构 华南师范大学增城学院旅游管理系


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