机构地区: 华南理工大学建筑学院
出 处: 《华中建筑》 2009年第6期52-57,共6页
摘 要: 城市新开发滨海区规划编制中会遇到起点高、功能定位的不确定性、保护与开发的平衡性、空间形态的特殊性、开发控制的复杂性等特殊性和难点。该文以深圳新大—龙歧湾地区法定图则编制为例,分析和总结了编制中探索的多片区同步连锁、增加前期专项研究、整体性城市设计先行、改良成果构成、丰富成果表达方式等方法和思路,以期对我国新开发滨海区规划编制有所借鉴和启示。 The planning formulation of new seaside district often faces some common difficulties, such as high-level requirement, the uncertainty of function, the equilibrium of protection and development, the particularity of spatial form, the complicacy of development control, etc. This article analyzes the statutory plan formulation of Xinda-Longqiwan District, and concludes some explorations in the planning formulation methods, such as the synchronization and catenation between the different districts, adding special topic research in the prophase, the antecedence of integrated urban design research, the improvement of fruits compositions, and enrichment of expression way, which is expected to provide some clues and inspirations for the planning formulation in new seaside district development in our country.
关 键 词: 新开发滨海区 规划编制 深圳新大 龙歧湾地区 法定图则 城市设计
领 域: [建筑科学]