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Major Gene Plus Poly-gene Inheritance Analysis of Bolting Trait in Heading Chinese Cabbage

作  者: ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 西北农林科技大学园艺学院农业部西北园艺植物种质资源与遗传改良重点开放实验室

出  处: 《西北植物学报》 2009年第5期923-928,共6页

摘  要: 以大白菜易抽薹自交系06S1703和耐抽薹自交系06J32形成的P1、P2、F1、F2、B1和B2等6个世代为材料,应用主基因+多基因多世代联合分析方法,对大白菜抽薹性状进行了研究.结果表明,大白菜的抽薹性受2对加性-显性-上位性主基因+加性-显性-上位性多基因控制,其中2对主基因的加性效应值分别为-3.5758和-13.619,显性效应值分别为-3.7552和-2.2577.B1、B2和F2世代的主基因遗传率分别为87.95%、95.13%和96.25%,只在B1群体中检测到多基因效应,遗传率仅为1.39%,说明大白菜的抽薹性是以主基因遗传为主,可以进行早期选择. The mixed major-gene plus polygene inheritance model was used to analyze the inheritance of bolting in the heading Chinese cabbage (Brassica campestris L. ssp. pekinensis) with six generations of early bolting variety 06S1703 (P1) and bolting variety 06J32 (P2) and their, F1, B1, B2 and F2. The results showed that the bolting trait was controlled by two major genes with additive-dominance-epistatic effects plus poly-genes with additive-dominance-epistatic effects (E-0 model) in hybrid (06S1703 ×06J32). the additive effects of the two major genes were -3. 575 8 and -13. 619 respectively,and the dominance effects of the two major genes were -3. 755 2 and -2. 257 7 respectively;The heritability of the major genes in B1,B2 and F2 were 87. 95 % , 95.13 % and 96.25% respectively, but the polygene heritability only be checked in B1 ,which is 1.39%. It indicated that the bolting trait in Chinese cabbage was dominated by major genes. It is fit for early selection.

关 键 词: 大白菜 抽薹 主基因 多基因 遗传

领  域: [生物学]


作者 薛方亮
作者 刘家骏


机构 广州体育学院


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