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Status Quo of and Way Out for Chao Opera in China

作  者: ; (陈媛);

机构地区: 深圳大学艺术设计学院

出  处: 《深圳大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2009年第3期157-160,共4页

摘  要: 潮剧孕育于潮汕文化,用潮州方言演唱、以潮州音乐伴奏,是极富潮汕地域特色的地方戏曲。历史上,潮剧经历了三次大的变革,曾经取得过辉煌的成就。目前的发展存在着城市戏院衰落、专业剧团困顿、乡里广场戏兴起的特点。今后的发展出路应以广场戏为主要依托,在潮剧的创作中,迎合观众的欣赏习惯和欣赏水平,为广大观众服务;不断提高剧目质量,实施精品战略;着力培养更多的优秀演员;并通过走出去扩展潮剧的发展空间,使潮剧能够进入长足发展的轨道。 Chao opera, springing from Chaoshan culture, sung in Chaozhou dialect, and accompanied by Chaozhou music, is the local opera with Chaoshan characteristics. In history, Chao opera underwent three significant reforms, and witnessed glorious moments. At present, urban opera houses are declining, professional troupes are struggling for survival, but Chao opera is thriving in squares of rural areas. Its future development largely relies on square performances, and on the scripts that cater to tastes and levels of the audience. High quality operas should be created, and more prominent actors and actresses should be trained to carve out space for the sustainable development of the Chao opera.

关 键 词: 潮剧 广场戏 传统文化

领  域: [艺术]


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机构 中山大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 广东技术师范学院


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