机构地区: 内蒙古师范大学生命科学与技术学院生物科学系
出 处: 《西北植物学报》 1998年第1期66-71,共6页
摘 要: 报道了国产苔草属,两亚属,7组中的16种植物在电子显微镜下果实表皮的特征和研究结果。根据种内个体间、组内种间以及亚属间的比较,作者认为在苔草属中,果实表皮显微特征在种内个体间比较稳定,变异很小;同组内种间表现出的较大相似性和不同组间存在的一定差异性。说明在组和组下等级的分类学处理以及在系统位置和亲缘关系的探讨上,果实显微特征具有重要的分类学价值。同时由于显微特征在亚属间甚至属间相互交叉和渗透,在划分亚属间的和属间的界线时是困难的。此外,根据果实表面显微特征,支持了把Carexdipla-siocarpa放在Sect.Holarhenae中的观点。 In the present work the ultrastructures of achene epidermis had been studied in 16 species belonging to 2 subgenera and 7 section of China Carex .Mature achenes were selected from herbarium specimens (Table.1) in NMTUH and NMTU.After the outer walls of epidermis cell were removed by Sonicor Ultrasonic cleaner,the surface ornamentation showed that under scanning electron microscopy,there were anomalous cell shape,visible anticlinal walls,1 silica central body and convex or concave silica platform in the epidermal cells to almost all species (Plate Ⅰ,1-16).On the basis of the SEM observation,we have got the results as follow:The achene ultrastructure features were constant in infraspecies.At the same time,interspecific features were more similar in same section and more distinctive in different ones.Therefore,it seemed to be useful to use ultrastructures in Carex taxonomy both at species and sectional level.But,we found levels of intrasubgeneric and infrageneric variability too high to provide useful for delimitation.In addition, Carex diplasiocarpa has been traditionally placed in Sect. Herporrhizae ,S.Y.Liang and Y.Ch.Tang (1990) think it should be placed in Sect. Holarrhenae .we support liangs opinion based on ultrastructures of C.diplasiocarpa that is fairly similar to Sect. Holarrhenae .