机构地区: 暨南大学
出 处: 《特区经济》 2009年第4期225-227,共3页
摘 要: 在当前社会经济发展中宏观调控作用显著。在进行社会主义市场经济改革中中国重视宏观调控的作用,并不断致力于宏观调控原则和措施的法律化。为满足当前中国市场经济发展和法治原则的要求,应结合中国具体实际经验并借鉴国外有关立法先例,加快构建中国完备的宏观调控法律体系。 In order to implement the constitution principle of strengthening legislation on economy and improving macro-regulation,we have kept improving macro-regulation measures while concentrated on making the principles and measures on macro-regulation legal-ized since 1993.Tremendous achievements have been scored.However,China's legislation on macro-regulation is far away from satisfying the requirements of socialist market economy and the principle of ruling by law.Therefore it is imperative to set up the legal system on macro-regulation by incorporating the experiences of reform and learning from the advanced legislation in foreign countries.