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Study of Transmission Characteristics of Rayleigh Waves on an Elastic Wedge

作  者: ; ; ;

机构地区: 中国地质大学地球物理与空间信息学院

出  处: 《工程地球物理学报》 2009年第2期143-149,共7页

摘  要: 瑞雷面波在弹性楔状体中传播特性的研究,由于其涉及地形对面波传播的影响等,因而是一个长期受到地球物理学家关注的问题。瑞雷波在弹性楔状体中传播时,不仅与介质的性质有关,而且与楔状体的角度(地形起伏)有关。由于入射面波总是和体波耦合在一起,精确而完备的分析方法目前尚处于探索之中。本文着重对负地形进行了分析,以势函数表示波的传播,并使其交替地满足楔状体两侧界面的边界条件。通过模型正演分析,得到了不同楔状体角度与泊松比、透射能量的定量关系以及剩余场位移的极化曲线。正、负地形的数值计算结果,可以在实际应用中分析地形对瑞雷面波的影响时参考。 Because of the topographic effects and other factors for Rayleigh--waves propagation, the study of transmission characteristics of Rayleigh wave on an elastic wedge is an issue concerned by geophysicists for a long time. In such case, behaviors of Rayleigh waves depend on not only medium properties but also the angle of wedge (terrain fluctuation). Because body P and S waves are also generated by Rayleigh - waves incident on the corner of a wedge, the precise solution is not yet derived. For the positive or negative terrain which would be modeled as a wedge with different angle from the plane surface, the transmission solution of Rayleigh wave can be found by matching the boundary conditions on two sides of the wedge faces. The transmission behavior of Rayleigh wave on a wedge with different angles was numerically investigated by modeling. In terms of modeled curves of Pois-softs ratio, transmission energy versus the wedge angle and displacement polarization curve of the residue field, some which may be referenced characteristics of Rayleigh - waves passing a wedge are analyzed, on the topographic effects for Rayleigh-waves propagation in practical applications.

关 键 词: 瑞雷面波 地形影响 楔状体 传播特性 泊松比

领  域: [天文地球] [天文地球]




作者 徐锦堂
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