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China’s Participation in International Institutions and the Reputation Concerns:A Response to Chen Hanxi’s Critics

作  者: ;

机构地区: 中山大学

出  处: 《当代亚太》 2009年第2期146-160,共15页

摘  要: 本文是对陈寒溪博士《中国如何在国际制度中谋求声誉——与王学东商榷》一文所做的回应。本文先进一步澄清国家的"声誉"与"威望"两个概念之间的根本性区别。之后,本文解释了中国在参与国际制度中的声誉考量:在结构性压力下,为了避免受到遏制,崛起中的国家具有建构良好声誉的动力,积极显示自身的意图,采取相应的行为来宽慰其他国家,从而消减被遏制的可能性。既然无政府状态决定了安全困境不可能彻底消除,那么中国之所以通过参与国际制度塑造自己的声誉,主要目的是竭力避免成为体系主导国家集团的遏制对象。最为关键的是,中国积极参与人权与安全制度的两个案例充分说明,中国既不采取制衡战略,又不是简单地追随或者跟风。本文认为,《商榷》一文的价值在于,促进了对国家声誉研究的精致化、层次化与多样化。 In his article "How China Seeks Reputation in International Institutions ", Dr. Chen claims that in my book State reputation and Foreign Strategy, I have been culpable to scholastic misconceptions, inadequate case analyses, and unfounded hypotheses. In this article, I provide my responses to his criticisms. First, I clarify the subtle difference between "reputation" and "prestige", and provide an account for what I have meant by "policy of prestige". Second, I provide my explanation to incorporating state reputation in my analysis. The end of the cold war has introduced a change to the distribution of power in the international system. In this structure, China, despite being the rising regional power, sees its strategic choices narrowed rather than broadened. Since its sense of insecurity cannot be entirely alleviated in the state of anarchy in the international system, to avoid being ostracized by other states, China has to actively participate in international institutions to enhance its reputation. From the case studies on nonproliferation and arms control and human rights, it is not difficult to see that China seeks neither balancing nor bandwagon policy. Nonetheless, I remain thankful to Dr Chen's criticisms as they have provided a broad research agenda into the analysis of "state reputation" in the discipline.

关 键 词: 国家声誉 国际制度 中国 跟风战略

领  域: [政治法律] [政治法律] [政治法律] [政治法律]


作者 陆伟志
作者 隋广军
作者 卓影
作者 郭德茂
作者 郑惠生


机构 中山大学
机构 中山大学政治与公共事务管理学院
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 广东财经大学


作者 康秋实
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖芳
作者 张万坤
作者 张光亚