机构地区: 华南师范大学教育科学学院心理应用研究中心
出 处: 《心理发展与教育》 2009年第2期73-77,共5页
摘 要: 采用移动窗口阅读技术和探测技术探讨大学生中文阅读过程中对因果与转折关系的理解差异。实验一在句子层面考察因果和转折关系的理解差异,结果发现被试阅读转折句的时间显著长于因果句,但对两种句子中探测词的反应时没有差异。实验二运用探测技术从篇章层面进一步探讨两种关系的理解差异。结果发现,转折关系条件下被试对探测词的反应时显著慢于因果关系条件下。实验结果表明,无论在句子层面还是在篇章层面,被试对转折关系的表征都难于因果关系的表征。 The purpose of this research was to explore the differences between understanding casual relations and adversative relations in Chinese reading. Two experiments were constructed. Probe-verification paradign was used in experiment 1 to examine whether this difference between reading casual sentence and adversaive sentence was existed. The results showed that the time for reading casual sentence was much longer than that of adversative sentence, but there was no differences between the reaction time of probe words in this two different levels. The same technique was applied in experiment 2 to investigate whether the difference was existed during Chinese passage reading. By comparing the reaction time to probe words in different relations, it could be concluded whether the adversative relations was difficult to comprehend. The results indicated that the reaction time to the probe words in casual relation was much slower than that of adversative relation. It implied that the adversative relation was more difficult to comprehend than casual relation.