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作  者: ;

机构地区: 中山大学地理科学与规划学院

出  处: 《人文地理》 2009年第2期12-16,28,共6页

摘  要: 相对于人文地理学的其他几个主要分支学科而言,政治地理学在中国发展缓慢。本文认为这主要不是由于中国缺乏政治地理研究的素材,也不单纯是由于中国缺乏研究政治的环境。从学科的角度看,有四个方面的原因束缚了政治地理学在中国的发展:地理学分析尺度的下移、建设性实证研究的缺乏、相关学科理论支持不足和地理学本身"远离政治"的惯性影响。本文在粗略梳理了西方政治地理学发展脉络的基础上,通过对比分析,提出了中国政治地理学发展的三个方向:城市政治地理、地方政治地理和新地缘政治学,期待中国政治地理多尺度、多样化的实证研究尽快展开。 Since 1980s, ‘politics' has been introducing into the academic field of geography in the West. A great number of geographical studies investigate with diverse approaches on the influences of political factors. Political geography is becoming one of the latest-established sub-fields in Chinese Human geography in recent years. But only a few geographers involve themselves in this field, and most of them just introduce the relative theories established in the West into China. This paper provides reviews of research trends in political geography at home and abroad, and identifies four restrictions on the development of Chinese political geography. Based on the comparison between the development of Western and Chinese political geography, this paper outlines the revitalization of Chinese political geography, and points out three important research subsets: urban politics, the politics of place, and new geopolitics. Urban politics focuses on the urban subject matters, mainly on the political process of implementation and the effects of the making of national politics. As for the research methods, the study mainly relies on political-economic analysis, policy analysis and stakeholder analysis in a carefully chosen case-study area while mainly using oral interviews, participant observation and other qualitative research methods. The study is often based on critical social theories and geography. With the same approaches, the politics of place explores the place-based identity, locality, local political milieu, sense of place, etc. And the new geopolitics establishes the world-system theory and critical geopolitics. In the context of this research, the study aims to develop an in-depth understanding of Chinese political geography, prompting the research of multi-scale political geography. In recent years, many subject matters, problems and incidents on regional development, urbanization, integrated administration, and new countryside planning, are in need of being understood deeply in political approach. Meanwhile,

关 键 词: 政治地理学 城市政治 地方政治 缘政治 中国

领  域: [历史地理]


作者 胡学亮
作者 张江河
作者 史滢滢
作者 马永明
作者 池勤伟


机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 香港中文大学
机构 华南师范大学历史文化学院


作者 徐佳宁
作者 曾彧
作者 杨卫华
作者 欧阳娟
作者 武小平