机构地区: 青海大学生物科学系
出 处: 《草业与畜牧》 2009年第4期25-29,共5页
摘 要: 香根草是一种高大的、簇生成丛的禾本科多年生草本植物,也是一种优良的热带牧草,香根草有很多用途,特别是在作为一种廉价而有效的,并且有利于生态环境的抗击土壤侵蚀的工具方面发挥着很重要的作用。目前香根草已被世界上100多个国家列为理想的水土保持植物种之一。香根草生态工程技术也曾被国际评估委员会评为全世界71项持续发展技术中最为优秀的项目,受到热带、亚热带地区的政府、科学家和使用者的高度重视,已在这些地区的山坡地水土保持、路基护坡、海滩和河岸固土以及污染治理等领域广泛应用。本文将重点介绍我国香根草种质资源领域的研究现状,同时对目前存在的一些问题进行分析说明,为将来我国香根草种质资源的开发利用提供一定的参考。 The Vetiveria zizanioideis is a perennial Gramineae plant with big plant and bunches of production clump, also is a kind of good tropics forage grass, which has many uses, especially it is being taken one kind inexpensive and effective grass, and is advantageous as its ecological environment resistance soil erosion tool aspect. At present, the Vetiveria zizanioideis is listed as one of ideal conservation of water and soil plant by more than 100 countries. The Vetiveria zizanioideis technology is once also evaluated by the International Appraisal Committee that the world 71 items to continue to develop in the technology the most outstanding project, which receives the tropics, the subtropics area government ,the scientist and user highly takes. And the Vetiveria zizanioideis technology has applied at these domains widespreadly on local hill side water and soil conversation, roadbed slope protection, beach and river bank solid earth as well as pollution management. This paper mainly introduced the Vetiveria zizanioideis idioplasm resources research present situation and analysised some problems at present, which can provide certain reference for the future research and application.