机构地区: 罗定职业技术学院
出 处: 《哈尔滨学院学报》 2009年第4期29-33,共5页
摘 要: 农民工剥夺问题易引发社会冲突,危及社会和谐,与当今我国落实以人为本的科学发展观,构建和谐社会的理念和具体部署极不相称。农民工的剥夺主要体现在经济、政治、社会三个领域,主要是由于历史上不平等的等级意识、制度中不公正的户籍屏蔽和现实中政府利益取向偏离引起的。要解决这一问题,就必须培育公民意识,构建和谐社会;创新户籍制度,落实国民待遇;转型政府职能,明晰行政权力界限。 The Deprivation of peasant works leads to social conflict threatening social barmony ,which is an obstacle for scientific development. The deprivation covers three domains, including economy, politics, and society. The cause may include traditional inequality idea, injus-tice register system, and government' s deviant preference. Solutions may be worked out by cul-tivating citizen awareness, constructing harmonious society, developing register system and so on.