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Coping with Abusive Supervision:Mechanisms of Ingratiation and Political Skill

作  者: ; ; ;

机构地区: 中国人民大学商学院

出  处: 《南开管理评论》 2009年第2期52-58,共7页

摘  要: 辱虐管理的现有研究主要集中在辱虐管理对下属各种工作后果变量的影响及中介机制的探讨上,少有研究从下属视角出发,关注下属如何应对来自领导的辱虐管理。在理解下属情绪耗竭及离职倾向与主管辱虐管理关系的基础上,本研究认为下属会采取逢迎策略应对辱虐管理以缓解消极后果,但逢迎并不一定能化解来自领导的"辱虐",实际后果取决于逢迎主体拥有的政治技能水平。政治技能高则能达成缓解意图,政治技能低则可能适得其反。通过对北京六家电子制造企业中的283名员工的分析发现:主管辱虐管理对下属情绪耗竭和离职倾向有显著的影响,当下属政治技能较高时,下属采取逢迎行为能缓解辱虐管理的消极影响,而当下属政治技能较低时,下属采取逢迎行为反而会增强辱虐管理的消极影响。 The past decade has witnessed an increasing interest in abusive supervision. Abusive supervision refers to subordinates' perceptions of the extent to which their supervisors engage in the sustained display of hostile verbal and non-verbal behavior. Existing research in this area has investigated the effects of abusive supervision on various employee outcomes, as well as the mediation mechanisms of the negative effects. Studies have rarely been conducted from the subordinates' perspective, examining how employees could actively cope with abusive supervision. The current study is designed to help understand: (1) the association between abusive supervision and employee emotional exhaustion and intention to leave; and (2) how the coping effect varies with the subordinate's political skill when ingratiation tactics are employed to cope with abusive supervision and weaken its negative effects. The study proposes that the aim of coping can only be achieved when the subordinate possesses a relatively high level of political skill. Questionnaire surveys of both employees and their supervisors in 6 electronic companies located in Beijing were conducted to examine the model. To avoid common method variance problems, we collected two waves of data. Among the major measures, Tepper's (2000) 15-item scale of abusive supervision, Bolino and Turnley's (1999) 4-item scale of ingratiation, Ferris et al.'s (2005) 18-item scale of political skill, Maslach and Jackson's (1986) 6-item scale of emotional exhaustion, and Wang et al.'s (2002) 4-item turnover scale were adopted. Analyses of a matched sample including 283 employees shows that: (1) abusive supervision has a positive relationship with both subordinate emotional exhaustion and their intention to leave; and (2) politically skilled subordinates using ingratiation behavior to cope with abusive supervision will result in less damage, while if those politically non-skilled subordinates ingratiate abusive supervision, the dama

关 键 词: 辱虐管理 逢迎行为 政治技能 情绪耗竭 离职倾向

领  域: [经济管理] [政治法律] [政治法律]


作者 李志成
作者 杨慧琳
作者 宋宝香
作者 汪林
作者 邹锐


机构 中山大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南理工大学工商管理学院
机构 华南师范大学


作者 康秋实
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖芳
作者 张万坤
作者 张光亚