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Evolution of Cultural Industrial Agglomeration in Western Developed Countries—A Case Study of Hollywood

作  者: ; ;

机构地区: 重庆市规划设计研究院

出  处: 《世界地理研究》 2009年第1期118-128,共11页

摘  要: 好莱坞自20世纪初期以来,先后经历了电影产业浮现、好莱坞的黄金时代、好莱坞的转型时期以及"新好莱坞"四个阶段。这四个阶段,实际上由好莱坞电影制作的垂直一体化的形成、衰退以及垂直分离的发展等过程逐一演替。而自20世纪80年代好莱坞卫星生产地如温哥华的崛起,则展示了全球化时代好莱坞电影制作"核心"与"外围"的关系。好莱坞电影产业集聚体的演进,对我国文化产业的发展有如下启示:未来垂直分离是发展趋势、注重小企业的发展、区分合作与控制、注重创意中心的建设。 Based on motion-picture industry of agglomeration in western developed countries is Hollywood, evolution of cultural industrial discussed. Since the early 20th century, Hollywood has passed through four stages, which is the time of emergences, golden time, transitional period and new Hollywood. The evolution of Hollywood, the emergence and de- cline of vertical integration and the development of vertical disintegration of motion-picture production, were all included in these four stages. The rise of satellite production district of Hollywood since 1980s, such as Vancouver, the relation of "core" and "periphery" of motion-picture production in Hollywood was set out in the era of globalization. The evolu- tion of motion-picture industrial agglomeration of Hollywood can give us the inspirations as following: the developing prospects of vertical disintegration in cultural industrial production, paying more attention to the development of small enterprises, distinguishing between cooperation and controlling, paying more attention to the hub of creative cities.

关 键 词: 文化产业集聚体 演进 西方 好莱坞

领  域: [文化科学]


作者 肖白玉
作者 赵华
作者 谢仕平
作者 刘莹
作者 贺锋


机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学经济学院
机构 华南理工大学工商管理学院
机构 华南师范大学


作者 庞菊香
作者 康超
作者 廖燕萍
作者 廖荆梅
作者 张丽娟