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Research progress of the structure,function,extraction and analysis of astaxanthin

作  者: ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 中国海洋大学食品科学与工程学院

出  处: 《食品工业科技》 2009年第4期355-359,共5页

摘  要: 虾青素是一种类胡萝卜素的含氧衍生物,分子中含有长的不饱和共轭系统,并存在多种光学异构体,存在于甲壳类的外壳、某些藻类的真菌中。基于其分子结构的特点,虾青素有淬灭单线态氧、清除自由基的功能并由此产生很多生物学功能。可以采用溶剂提取法、CO2超临界流体萃取法等从虾蟹的外壳、雨生红球藻、红法夫酵母等生物原料中提取虾青素,并用分光光度法、HPLC等对其进行定量测定。虾青素在渔牧业、食品和药品工业都有着良好的应用前景。 Astaxanthin is a kind of oxygenic descendent of carotenoid which has a long unsaturated conjugated system and it has many optical conformations.astaxanthin is abundant in the carapaces of shellfishes and some species of algas and epiphytes.Based on the molecule structure of astaxanthin, it can eliminate excited oxygen and remove free-radicle and consequently has a significant biological function.Organic solvents and CO2 supercritical fluid can be employed to extract astaxanthin, and spectrophotometer and HPLC can measure it in an accurate way.Astaxanthin has a potential to be used in fishery,food industry and pharmacy.

关 键 词: 虾青素 生物活性 提取 定量测定 应用

领  域: [轻工技术与工程] [轻工技术与工程]




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