作 者: ;
机构地区: 东北师范大学历史文化学院
出 处: 《妇女研究论丛》 2009年第2期52-56,共5页
摘 要: 解读相关简牍资料可知,汉律"性越轨"治罪条令具有如下特点:轻视常人间的强奸罪,重视对和奸的判罚,为了维护夫权,量刑环节注重和奸中妇女的婚姻状态;在严惩乱伦行为的同时,客观上为某些特殊身份地位妇女群体架构起一个相对安全的空间;虽然汉律维护良贱等级界限,但对某些下层妇女权益有所关照。上述条令创制初衷乃为维护既有社会等级制度,而非实现社会公平正义,因此,对于汉代女性人身权益的法律保护而言,该条令虽产生过一定积极效用,但从根本上讲,无论是从立法条令内涵来印证,还是以司法实践效果来检验,均反映出该条令存在诸多局限。 This paper discusses the following characteristics of the law on sexual Impropriety based on reading studies on the bamboo scripture of the Han Dynasty. These characteristics are: ignoring rape but attaching importance to gang rape. To uphold patriarchal power, the Law paid attention to marital status of the female victim. The Law also prohibited incest and to some extent created a safe space for women of higher status. It, though it enforced the divide between the rich and the poor, did recognize the plight of women of lower status. Overall, the law was intended to defend the class system and male domination and not social justice.