机构地区: 华南理工大学化学与化工学院传热强化与过程节能教育部重点实验室
出 处: 《石油学报(石油加工)》 2009年第2期228-232,共5页
摘 要: 针对催化粗汽油回炼改质过程能耗偏高的现状,进行了以降低辅助提升管油/剂接触温差和优化辅助分馏塔油气热量利用为目的的过程用能改进。工程实施结果表明,利用装置低温余热提高粗汽油回炼温度,可通过多发生5.7 t/h的中压蒸汽,将辅助分馏系统的较低品质热量置换出等量的反-再系统的高品质热量;同时,辅助分馏塔中段回流热和循环油浆热量的升级利用,使得催化粗汽油回炼改质工艺的用能状况大为改善。优化改进后的有效热利用提高,干气和焦炭的产率下降,使现有的50 t/h粗汽油回炼改质催化装置能耗降低4.4 kg(标油)/t(原料),且汽油质量得到提高。 In regard to the high energy consumption of FDFCC (Flexible dual-riser fluid catalytic cracking) gasoline upgrading process, a energy optimization has been done by reducing the contact temperature difference between the crude gasoline and re-generated catalyst and improving the use of auxiliary fractional system's heat. The result of the energy optimization applied in a FDFCC unit with 50t/h crude gasoline to be re-processed showed that the temperature of crude gasoline was raised by the residual lower-temperature heat of the auxiliary fractional system, and more 5.7 t/h medium pressure steam was produced by high temperature heat of regenerated catalyst, which was replaced out by the equal quantity of low quality energy of the auxiliary fractional system, and the heat utilization of pump around and recycled slurry of the auxiliary fractionator were upgraded. The energy cost of the auxiliary system for gasoline upgrading was reduced by 4.4 kg(standard oil)/t (feed) because of higher heat efficiency after reformation, and the problem of high yield of dry gas and coke was settled, which was resulted from the added auxiliary reformation system, with that gasoline quality was improved.
关 键 词: 催化裂化 粗汽油 辅助提升管反应器 辅助分馏塔 能量优化
领 域: [石油与天然气工程] [石油与天然气工程]