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Biological Method and Chemical Fiocculation Treatment for Pulping Waste Liquor

作  者: ; ; (宋晓岗); (刘鸿);

机构地区: 广东工学院

出  处: 《广东工业大学学报》 1995年第4期120-128,共9页

摘  要: 本课题采用生物法结合化学混凝及生物活性炭技术对制浆废液--制浆黑液及漂白E1段废水进行处理,并对微生物的驯化及培养进行了探讨.研究结果表明:处理黑液的厌氧微生物驯化时间为30d,处理漂白E1段废水的为25d;处理黑液的好氧微生物驯化时间为2od,处理漂白E1段废水的为25d.制浆黑液经化学预处理--厌氧微生物--好氧微生物--化学混凝综合技术处理后,COD从14500mg/L降至1403.8mg/L,总去除率为90.3%,木质素从6426.6mg/L降至191.lm/L,总去除率为97·0%;经化学预处理-好氧微生物-生物活性实处理后,COD从7405·2mg/L降至303.5mg/L,总去除率为96.0%,木质素从3520ml/L降至29.4mg/L,总去除率为99.2%.漂白E1段废水经过厌氧微生物-化学混凝-好氧微生物-生物活性炭处理后,COD从5265.lml/L降至515.8ml/L,总去除率为90.2%,本质素从1130ml/L降至13ml/L,总去除率为98.8%,色度从640度降至20度,总去除率为96.8%. he paper in about the microorganiam combining with chemieal arded flocculationand biologically activated earbon process for pulping waste liquor-pulping black liquor and^^Biological Method and Chemical Fiocculation Treatment for Pulping Waste Liquor$Chen Min; Zhu Youchung ;Song Xiaogang ;Liu Hong(Dupartment of Environment and Pesourle Engineering)Song Xiaogang(Chemical Engineering)Liu Hong(Department of Environment and Resource Engineering)Abstract: The paper in about the microorganiam combining with chemieal arded flocculationand biologically activated earbon process for pulping waste liquor-pulping black liquor and^^Biological Method and Chemical FiocculationTreatment for Pulping Waste Liquor$Chen Min; Zhu Youchung ;Song Xiaogang ;Liu Hong(Dupartment of Environment and Pesourle Engineering)Song Xiaogang(Chemical Engineering)Liu Hong(Department of Environment and Resource Engineering)Abstract: The paper in about the microorganiam combining with chemieal arded flocculationand biologically activated earbon process for pulping waste liquor-pulping black liquor and bleaching E1 stage wastewater, and the acclimated process of microorganism for pulpingwaste liquor. The experiments show that:the acclimated time of anaerobic microorganism forpulping black liquor is 30 days, and that for bleaching E1 stage wastewater is 25 days; Theacclimated time of aerobic microorganism for black liquor is 20 days and that for bleaching E1stage wastewater is 25 days. After the chemical pretreatment-anaerobic microorganismaerobic microorganism-chemical aided flocculation process,the COD of black liquor decreases from 14500 mg/L to 1403. 8 mg/L and the removal rate is 90. 3%,the lignin concentrationdecreases from 6426. 6 ml/L to 191. 1 mg/L and the removal rate is 97. 0%;After the chemical pretreatment--aerobic microorganism -- biologically activated carbon process,the COD of black liquor decreases from 7405. 2 mg/L to 303. 5 mg/L and the removal rate is 96. 0%,thelignin concentration decreases from 3520 mg/L 29. 4 mg/L and the removal r

关 键 词: 生物处理 化学混凝 活性炭吸附法 制浆废液

领  域: [轻工技术与工程]




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