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Preliminary Study on Yield Components of Soilless Broadcasting of Dry Raised Seedlings in Late Season in South China Double Cropping Rice Area

作  者: ; ; ; ; (邱润恒);

机构地区: 广东省农业科学院

出  处: 《西南农业学报》 1998年第S3期133-141,共9页

摘  要: 1996年晚季在广州用早籼高产品种特三矮2号进行了不同密度下的旱育苗无土抛栽试验,并与旱秧及湿润秧插秧作了产量和产量构成因素的分析。结果显示,虽然各处理间的产量差异不显著,但不同育秧和栽插方式下的单位有效穗数、每穗结实粒数、千粒重在一些处理间达到1%或5%的差异显著水平。同时,旱秧无土抛栽的播种至始穗历期比其余各处理要长,为避免“寒露风”等秋季冷害,适当早播早植以提早抽穗期值得注意。旱育秧无土抛栽省工且不降低晚稻产量。 In late cropping season of 1996 in Guangzhou,high yielding early cropping Indica rice cultivar Te San Ai 2,which was raised in dry or moist land nurseries,was planted in transplanting or soilless broadcasting mode at two planting densities.The grain yields and their yield components were analyzed.Although there exists no significant difference in grain yields among various treatments,the differences in the number of productive panicles per hectare,number of fully filled grains per panicle and 1000 grain weight arrive at 1% or 5% significant difference level among certain treatments.We also found that the duration from seeding to heading was longer for soilless broadcasting of dry raised seedlings than other treatments,implying early seeding and planting should be recommended to avoid chilling injury of cold dew wind in the autumn.We believe there will be bright future in production for soilless broadcasting of dry raised seedlings in labor difficient areas such as Pearl River Delta in Guangdong Province due to its advantage of labor saving together with no grain yield reduction.

关 键 词: 双季晚稻 旱育秧 无土抛栽 产量构成

领  域: [农业科学]




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