机构地区: 中国农业大学
出 处: 《中国农业科技导报》 1999年第1期57-60,共4页
摘 要: 本文研究了种子包衣、机械穴播、侧深施肥三项农业技术综合配套应用于水稻生产的效果.结果表明,该综合配套技术增加了种子的科技含量,提高了种苗抗病能力、肥料利用率、水稻出苗率和成苗率,增强秧苗素质,促进早分蘖,提高有效分蘖率、结实率和千粒重,其产量较未包衣常规施肥、未包衣侧深施肥和包衣常规施肥处理分别提高13.2%、10.3%和8.9%;具有省种、省工、省药、延长肥效和增产节资双重作用. Abstract A new technical practice combined by seed coating,bunch planting by machine and fertillzing indeep sides of roots was studied in rice production. The results indicated that the technical practice increasethe technologlcal value of seed, anti-disease ability of seedling, and nutrient efficlency. Emergency rate, thesurvlval ratio, and the quality of seedling also be higher than the contrast, and the tillering rate, seed setpropagation coefficient, and thousand kernal weight were raised too. Growing period was lessened by meansof this coordinate practice, and its yield increased at the level of 13. 2%, 10. 3%,and 8. 9 % than noncoatedtogether with routinely fertilizing treatment, and noncoated combining with fertilize in deep side treatment,and coated with routinely fertilizing treatment, respectively.
关 键 词: 水稻种子包衣 种衣剂 机械穴播 侧深施肥 综合配套
领 域: [农业科学]