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Seismic testing study on RC joints strengthened by new concrete material

作  者: ; ; ;

机构地区: 同济大学土木工程学院结构工程与防灾研究所

出  处: 《土木工程学报》 2010年第S1期447-451,共5页

摘  要: 结合近年来新型材料的开发应用和工程加固的实践经验,提出采用新型加固用混凝土材料来加固钢筋混凝土框架结构的新方法,该新型材料具有水泥基高黏结、低收缩、自密实的特点;并将该新型加固材料和传统的加大截面加固法相结合。为验证其加固节点抗震性能的效果,设计5个试件进行低周反复试验,分别比较无损坏、中度损坏、严重损坏和一次浇筑试件的各项抗震性能。试验结果表明该方法能够显著提高无损坏、中度损坏和严重损坏节点的抗裂度、抗剪强度、刚度和变形能力。 In this paper,the main content is the reinforced concrete structure reinforced by a new material,which contributes to seismic strengthening engineering recently.The new material has the advantage of good fluidity,micro-expansibility and high early strength.This material can be used for strengthening reinforced concrete frame structure in the traditional enlarging column sections method,but is more convenient of building and can be easily accepted at the same time.The author designed five tests to study seismic performance of frame joints strengthened by this material with varying degrees of earthquake damage.The results showed that the method for strengthening RC joints with the new material can significantly improve the cracking load,ultimate load and stiffness of the joints.

关 键 词: 新型加固混凝土材料 钢筋混凝土框架节点 节点抗震试验 抗震加固

领  域: [建筑科学]




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