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A fractal prediction of interwell heterogeneous permeabilities.

作  者: ; ;

机构地区: 江汉石油学院

出  处: 《石油勘探与开发》 1998年第1期65-68,共4页

摘  要: 储集层渗透率空间分布既有严重的非均质性,又有统计自相似性。在预测泌阳凹陷双河油田437断块Ⅱ油组1小层井间渗透率非均质性时,首先根据取心井岩心实测渗透率与测井资料间的关系,建立渗透率解释模型;用该模型解释单井测井资料,得到逐点渗透率预测值,等序处理构成非均质渗透率序列,并研究豪斯特指数;根据井斜资料将井深校正为海拔高程,建立井间预测网格;用分形克里格法预测井间每个网格结点渗透率,用变序技术处理层状非均质分布问题,用权门槛技术解决泥质夹层预测问题,得到井间预测剖面;用取心井已知渗透率对预测结果进行交叉检验,计算单层平均预测误差(通过5口井资料的交叉检验,单层预测的平均误差为35.1%)。将此预测结果用于该断块462注采井组分析,总结出7种储集层过渡类型,评价井组的单层连通情况,预测油水分布动态。预测成果还可用于识别厚油层内的夹层。图2表1参5(郭海莉摘) Because of the spatial serious heterogeneity and the spatial correlation structures of permeability in a reservoir, only by a geostatistic approach, a geologic question can not come to a satisfactory solution. So the authors use fractal Kriging model as well as isoseries, weight throshold value to predict permeability in injection production well groups. The research of data in fault block 437, Shuanghe oil field, gives the permeability Hurst coefficient, in this oil field, H=0.15. The reservoir appears strong heterogeneity. The permeability in injection production section is predicted with the grid interval 10m in horizontal and 0.125m in vertical. Through cross inspection of five wells, the mean single layer error is 35.1%. According to the analysis of the prediction section, the authors provide seven reservoir transition pattern types, the water route from injection well to production well, and reservoir interconnectivity. The section of different permeability cutoff value provides the waterflooded sections in different time. In this paper, the method that determines the Hurst coefficient and the detailed prediction method are also supplied.

关 键 词: 储集层 井间 非均质 渗透率 分形学 预测

领  域: [天文地球] [天文地球]


作者 钟宇宏


机构 华南理工大学经济与贸易学院


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