机构地区: 青岛理工大学环境与市政工程学院
出 处: 《福建建材》 2009年第2期41-43,共3页
摘 要: 对当前室内装修所用到的装修材料进行了介绍,分析了室内装修材料带来的室内污染物和对人体的危害。以一套经过新装修的住宅为例,主要对卧室内的污染物种类与含量进行了测量,给出室内污染物浓度随着时间的变化情况,测量发现室内主要污染物甲醛的浓度受温度、相对湿度、天气状况等影响。针对室内污染物的散发特点与分布,合理的对装饰装修引起的室内空气污染进行控制。 this article introduces the indoor decoration materials, analyzes the indoor air pollutants are b,ought by the indoor decoration materials and the harm to health .Take one of newly decorated residences for Example , mainly measuring the content of the air pollutants and their types in bedroom decoration, make a concrete analysis of the concentration of indoor air pollutants changed with time . The trend of changes in formaldehyde concentration are influenced by temperature, relative humidity, weather condition, etc. Some control measures have been put forward according to the characteristics of sporadic and their distribution of the indoor air pollutants