机构地区: 首都师范大学资源环境与旅游学院
出 处: 《地理研究》 2009年第2期441-450,共10页
摘 要: 基于产业关联与空间分布的区域比较研究,探讨京沪生产性服务业发展的一般规律及其差异性。研究表明:①京沪生产性服务业发展速度加快,金融业、交通运输业、房地产业是其主体;北京生产性服务业已步入发展成熟阶段,而上海尚处于发展起步阶段。②京沪第三产业对生产性服务业的中间需求最大,且呈现上升趋势;北京生产性服务业对服务经济的支撑作用突出,而上海生产性服务业与制造业的融合发展趋势更为明显。③京沪服务业对金融业的中间需求最大,但需求结构存在明显差异。④京沪制造业对生产性服务业的中间需求结构差异显著,北京制造业中间需求结构趋于高级化,而上海制造业对中间投入服务的消耗层次偏低。⑤京沪生产性服务业集中分布于中心区和近郊区,圈层衰减特征明显;不同行业乃至同一行业、不同发展阶段的空间分布特征均存在差异,但各行业空间集中与分散的变化趋势总体上存在一致性。 The development of producer services greatly promotes urban synthesized function and strengthens urban international competition.Based on an analysis of industry relevancy and its spatial distribution,this paper conducted an empirical study on the regional comparison of producer services between Beijing and Shanghai.The following conclusions are drawn.Firstly,the growth of producer services speeded up evidently from 1997 to 2002 both in Beijing and Shanghai.Finance,transportation and real estate were the main components of the producer services.Secondly,the output of producer services was mainly consumed by tertiary industries.There was an upward trend of the intermediate demand from 1997 to 2002.The share of tertiary industries on intermediate demand was higher in Beijing,while that of manufacturing industries on intermediate demand was higher in Shanghai.Thirdly,the main consumption by tertiary industries focused on finance,but the structure of intermediate demand was quite different between Beijing and Shanghai.Fourthly,the structure of intermediate demand by different types of manufacturing industries was quite different between Beijing and Shanghai.Finally,the spatial distribution of producer services focused on inner city and suburbs both in Beijing and Shanghai,which also presented a structure of circle attenuation.The structure of spatial distribution by different types of producer services was dissimilar,which could be divided into four types.