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Time-variation dynamic analysis on coal bump initiation mechanism

作  者: ;

机构地区: 湖南科技大学能源与安全工程学院

出  处: 《矿业工程研究》 2009年第1期1-6,共6页

摘  要: 现有冲击地压的研究是基于不变边界系统的传统静(动)力学,存在着局限性,将时变结构动力学理论应用于冲击地压发生机制的研究,从一个新的角度对冲击地压进行了分析.根据煤矿冲击地压发生的典型特征,建立了以煤体自稳结构为主要分析对象的冲击地压时变结构模型,讨论了煤体自稳结构内部参数(包括受力条件、物理特性、边界状态等)的时变动力学特点.应用质点系动量定理,分析了煤体自稳时变结构的动力学响应,结果表明,煤体自稳时变结构的质量随时间发生变化时,结构系统会出现负阻尼的情况,形成动力不稳定系统而诱发冲击地压.根据时变力学模型,得出了冲击地压发生的两个时变动力学判据:(1)煤体支承压力σθ使煤体产生扩容,(2)煤体自稳时变结构质量减少,说明冲击地压的动力源可来自于煤体自身的受力状况和煤体力学性质,并较好地解释"煤炮"现象.研究表明,冲击地压的发生机制可通过煤体自稳时变结构理论得到很好的解释. At present it is deficient that coal bump is researched only based on the traditional static or dynamic theory with invariable boundaries systems. Time-varying structure dynamic theory is applied to research coal bump mechanism, initiation of which is analyzed from a new angle. According to the coal bump representative character, time-varying dynamic structure model is established on the basis of coal self-sustaining bearing structures, inherent attributes, such as load conditions, physics characteristic and boundaries, of which are time-varying. Applying the particle system momentum theorem, dynamic response of coal self-sustaining time-varying structures are calculated, the result indicates that coal structure mass changed with time can supply negative damping which can cause dynamic instability and lead to coal bump. The time-varying dynamic structure model brings two time--varying dynamic criterions: ( 1 )coal dilatancy under tangential stress σ θ , (2)mass decrease of coal self-sustaining time-varying structures, which show that energy source of coal bump can be from its load condition and coal mechanical characteristic, and preferably explains the coal tremor phenomena. The research indicates that coal bump mechanism can be interpreted well by time-varying structure theory.

关 键 词: 冲击地压 时变 负阻尼 动力响应

领  域: [理学] [理学] [矿业工程]


作者 朱殊洋
作者 潘军
作者 王少伟
作者 谢永文
作者 王新乐


机构 中山大学
机构 华南农业大学公共管理学院
机构 深圳大学
机构 中共广州市委党校
机构 广州市委党校


作者 刘广平
作者 彭刚
作者 杨科
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作者 崔淑慧