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Concrete mechanism for coal unloading chute with skew beam in large thermal power plant

作  者: ; ;

机构地区: 浙江建设职业技术学院

出  处: 《混凝土》 2009年第3期107-111,共5页

摘  要: 对斜梁式卸煤沟原型进行1/10缩尺比例的钢筋混凝土模型试验。分别对其在集中、移动荷载作用下的侧向土压力、基底反力分布以及结构构件的荷载-应变、荷载-挠度变化规律和结构从开裂到破坏的全过程进行了试验研究。结果表明:移动荷载作用位置对侧向土压力、基底反力的影响较小;基底反力呈抛物线分布并随荷载的增加而增加;侧向土压力近似按三角形分布,与静止土压力公式计算结果接近;梁的斜向布置使梁在竖向荷载作用下产生扭矩,但对侧壁和底板的影响较小,侧壁对斜梁的嵌固作用较小,斜梁呈弯型破坏。试验结果为工程设计提供了依据:采用带抗扭约束的简支斜梁对斜向主梁进行分析较符合其实际受力性能,将沟壁和底板简化为地下钢架作平面问题处理与《火电厂土建结构设计技术规定》对正交卸煤沟的设计方法有较好的统一。 To study the mechanism for skew beam of coal unloading chute, 1/10 scale reinforced concrete mode has been proceeded.The load-deflection curve, load-strain curve, earth pressure and distribution of sub-grade contact pressure under concentrated load and moving load are obtained and analyzed respectively.The whole process fi'om cracking to failure is studied.Experiment shows that the position of the moving load has rather little influence on earth pressure and distribution of sub-grade contact pressure, sub-grade contact pressure assumes the parabola distri- bution and it increases with the increase of load,the earth pressure is approximately a triangle distribution and close to the result of Rankin's static earth pressure theory, the skew beam has the mechanical characteristic of coupling of bending and torsion, the skew beam has little influence on bottom slab and lateral slab and the wall is not so much a fixed support to skew beam,the failure of skew beam is largely due to bending.Based on these results ,practical design suggestions are made.Using rigid support single span skew girder to design skew beam would be more in good agree- ment with the failure mechanism.And using rigid flame structure to design chute is in line with the design method of coal unloading chute with simple beam provided by Civil Structural Design Code of Thermal Power Plant.

关 键 词: 卸煤沟 模型试验 斜梁 力学性能 土压力 基地反力 应变 挠度

领  域: [建筑科学]


作者 杨世木
作者 万锦平


机构 广州体育学院
机构 广州大学土木工程学院
机构 广州大学


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