作 者: ;
机构地区: 暨南大学
出 处: 《河北法学》 2009年第4期2-6,共5页
摘 要: 含有三聚氰胺的三鹿等品牌奶粉致人损害事件的受害人,要成功获得损害赔偿,就必需证明其损害同食用被告奶粉之间具有因果关系。必要条件说可以作为因果关系判断的一般规则,但对于加害人是复数的情形,需要灵活多样的判断标准,充分条件之必要因素说、协同一致方法、证明责任转移、市场份额方法等都可针对特定情况,帮助受害人走出证明困境,获得赔偿。 If the plaintiffs who consumed the milk with melamine obtain damages successfully, they must provide the proofs that there are causation between the defendants' milk products and their healthy problems. The conditio sine qua none or but- for rule can help them to realize their goals. But when there are two or more defendants, more flexible approaches are necessary. Among them there are the NESS rule, the market share approach, concert-of-action and reversing the burden of proof of causation to the defendants.