机构地区: 东莞市质量计量监督检测所广东东莞523120
出 处: 《现代食品科技》 2009年第2期205-207,共3页
摘 要: 食品中反式脂肪酸(trans fatty acids,简称TFAs)会激发多种疾病。由于反式脂肪酸和顺式脂肪酸性质非常相似,难于定量检测。本方法采用石油醚提取食品中脂肪,经甲酯化反应后,采用100m长HP-88毛细管柱、程序升温、采用GC-MS面积归一化法检测。结果显示顺、反式脂肪酸的分离效果良好。本方法准确、可靠、简捷,可作为检测食品中反式脂肪酸含量的推广方法。 Trans-fatty acids in food can stimulate marly kinds of disease and its determination is very difficult due to its similar physical and chemical properties with cis-fatty acids. In this paper, wans-fatty acids are extracted with pelroleum ether from food samples, methyl-esterificated and then analyzed with GC-MS. The results show that the wans-fatty acids are well separated from cis-fatty acids. This method is precise, reliable and simple, suitable for determination of the Inms fatty acid in food samples.