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A Case Survey on Inherent Mechanism of Agricultural Infrastructure Construction Institution Change

作  者: ;

机构地区: 河南科技大学经济与管理学院

出  处: 《中国农村观察》 2009年第1期33-42,共10页

摘  要: 本文基于对广东省徐闻县农业基础建设制度变迁的系统考察,揭示出其制度变迁的逻辑核心在于农民自觉追逐灌溉之利,其内在动力在于农民有把握投资获利机会的自主发展权,其成功的关键在于农民自发逐利、社区精英协同与地方政府助民成利三股力量的契合。本文进而指出,农民的自主发展权和生产赢利空间的扩大是农业基础建设长效机制形成的根本,它将有助于形成稳定收益预期的制度安排,将激励农民投资于基础建设并提高其利用效率;而乡村的自主治理力量则制约着农村制度变迁的时效性和经济效率。而这也正是本文案例研究所蕴涵的现实借鉴意义和独特的理论价值。 This paper revealed that the core-logic of the institutional changes lies in chasing irrigation profit independently,whose internal dynamic exists in the peasants having domestic motivation rights,The primary factor lies in the integration of three forces——the farmers' spontaneous pursuit of profit,Community elite's Participation and the economic incentive measures from Local government,according to the Systematic Investigation on the agricultural infrastructure institution change in Xuwen County. Furthermore,the article pointed out that enlargement of the peasants' independent authority right and the profiting sources of production is the basis for the formation of establishing sustained institution of agricultural infrastructure construction mechanism,which will be conducive to the formation of stable profit system and meanwhile stimulate farmers' enthusiasm towards the investment of agricultural infrastructure and its utilization efficiency; however the institution supplying force of rural collective action system restrain stagnancy of change of systems and its economic efficiency. All this was the practical significance and unique theory value which contained in the case study

关 键 词: 农业基础设施 自主发展权 制度变迁

领  域: [经济管理] [文化科学]


作者 李雯
作者 朱永德
作者 尹筑嘉
作者 王文生
作者 王颖智


机构 华南农业大学
机构 华南农业大学经济管理学院
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南农业大学经济贸易学院
机构 仲恺农业工程学院


作者 张健
作者 张方超
作者 彭铁牛
作者 彭飞
作者 徐广生