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Effect of humus content on filled column processing performance

作  者: ; ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 南京大学环境学院污染控制与资源化研究国家重点实验室

出  处: 《环境工程学报》 2009年第3期422-426,共5页

摘  要: 掺入与腐殖垃圾级配相同的砂配置腐殖质含量分别为1.09%、0.87%、0.65%、0.44%和0.01%的5种填料,装填0.5 m厚度的试验柱,构建人工快速渗滤系统处理生活污水,并测定饱和水力渗透系数,研究腐殖质含量对填料净化污水效能的影响。结果表明,在相同的水力负荷(1 m/d)和污染负荷下,5种腐殖质填料对COD和TP的平均去除率存在明显差异,腐殖质含量为1.09%、0.87%和0.65%的3种填料对COD的去除率较腐殖质含量为0.01%的填料均高出14%以上。腐殖质含量与TP去除率呈现正相关性。腐殖质含量最高的填料(1#)其初始K值最大达3.23×10-2cm/s,约为腐殖质含量最低的填料(5#)的5倍,其稳定运行时间最长。 By adding sand which has the same grain gradation as aged refuse, 5 filling materials with humus content of 1.09% ,0.87% ,0.65% ,0.44% and 0.01% reprisentatively were used to configurate constructed rapid infiltration system to treat urban sewage, and the saturated hydraulic conductivity was tested. The relationship between humus content and processing performance was explored. Based on the same hydraulic loading (1 m/d)and pollution load conditions, five kinds of filling material obtained obviously different treatment efficiencies. Humus content of 1.09% ,0.87% ,0.65% reprisentatively of the filling materials have 14% more removal rate than the filling material with humus content of 0.01% to COD. Humus content has proportional relevance with TP removal rate. The filling material with the highest humus content has the highest K of 3.23 × 10^-2 cm/s which is about 5 times of the the filling material with lowest humus content, and also worked efficiently longest.

关 键 词: 腐殖质含量 填料 处理效能 饱和水力渗透系数

领  域: [环境科学与工程]


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