机构地区: 中山大学管理学院
出 处: 《经济管理》 2009年第3期167-172,共6页
摘 要: 在动荡变化的环境中,企业仅仅拥有"VRIN"属性的资源与能力将难以维持竞争优势,只有不断提升组织能力才是企业基业长青的惟一出路。动态能力在组织能力提升中起重要作用,但动态能力的定义自提出至今仍然模糊不清。本文澄清了动态能力的概念内涵,深入分析了企业高层管理者作为动态能力微观能动主体的角色,并在动态能力及其微观能动主体的基础上构建了一个颇具解释力的组织能力提升框架。 Under dynamic circumstances, it is hard for enterprises barely in possession of resources and capabilities with "VRIN" properties to maintain their competitive advantages. So the only way out to thriving forever is to upgrade organizational capabilities which are divided into dynamic ones and operational ones. Dynamic capabilities play important roles in upgrading organizational capabilities. Since scholars still diverge in the definitions of dynamic capabilities this paper clarified the concept of dynamic capabilities and deeply analyzed the promotional roles played by top managers. Base on dynamic capabilities and their micro promotional administrators this paper brought forward an interpretative framework for upgrading organizational capabilities.