机构地区: 中山大学管理学院
出 处: 《经济管理》 2009年第3期53-59,共7页
摘 要: 家族企业不仅仅是创业的一种组织形式,创业也不仅仅是家族企业生命周期中一个阶段或战略,相反,家族嵌入式创业是关于家族对创业全面综合影响的恰当描述。因此,家族涉入创业活动产生了与创业理论和家族企业研究既有联系又有区别的独特的理论问题,正发展成一个新兴的研究领域。本文通过阐明家族涉入创业活动的家族性因素和创业导向,构建了一个基于资源视角的家族创业研究框架,并指出了未来的研究方向。 Family firms and entrepreneurship have often been treated as separate institutions in the past research. When referred to family entrepreneurship, it is considered that family firm was an organizational form of entrepreneurship, or entrepreneurship is a stage of family firm life cycle. But actually, entrepreneurship embedded with family reflects the systematic influence of family to entrepreneurship. Therefore, family entrepreneurship reduce a distinctive theoretical issue combined family and entrepreneurship, which has being developed to be a newly research filed. This article combines the "familiness" factor find entrepreneurship orientation of family entrepreneurship, establishing a research framework based upon resource aspect, also pointing out the topics which could be researched in the future.