机构地区: 香港科技大学
出 处: 《方言》 2009年第1期10-17,共8页
摘 要: 最近对一些有浊声母的汉语方言和少数民族语言的考察发现,很多浊爆音声母有内爆音的变体。这种情况比较多的是在北部赣语和潮汕闽语中。产生这些内爆音的条件之一是时长较长的浊爆音。这是自然音变/自然的音韵交替的结果,并非"底层现象"。 Recent field investigations in China have shown variants of implosives in numerous Chinese dialects and minority voiced initials have free languages such as the northern Gan and Chaoshan Min dialects. One of the crucial conditions which bring about the sound change from voiced explosives to implosives is the long duration of the voiced stops. The implosives in the above-mentioned Chinese dialects, especially the Min dialects, have resulted from natural sound changes, not from substrata of certain minority languages.