机构地区: 北京理工大学珠海学院
出 处: 《化工技术与开发》 2009年第1期39-41,11,共4页
摘 要: 磷酸二氢钙是目前广泛应用的优良饲料原料,主要作为畜禽钙、磷的来源,因此,快速、准确地测定磷酸二氢钙中磷的含量具有重要意义。文中采用分光光度法测定了磷酸二氢钙中磷的含量,确立了最大波长和最佳显色时间分别是420 nm和25 min。 Calcium biphosphate was choiceness feeding stuff material, and it provided calcium and phosphor for domestic animal and poultry. The determination method of phosphorus in calcium biphosphate by spectrophotometry was established. The maximal wavelength was at 420rim and the optimal chromogenic time was 25 min.